

Any successful idea comes from a great need or a problem, with us we aim to solve this need with an extraordinary solution.

We started our project with a thought of all the 820 thousand tons wasted cut-offs that factories creat every year which usually ends it’s cycle being burned and harming the environment.

We started tracking these cut-offs to discover that they usually end it the trash mainly in “Waste dumps in Sadat City& hay elzablin ” a slum n Egypt. With evaluating the situation in this city and the villages near to it we found lots of unemployed youth, and specially marginalized women who are usually supporting the family and find it hard to find a decent job, our statics shows that around 290 thousand women are victims of ugly divorce, widowed or the responsible of her own family.

 After big research and studies we came up with a win win situation for that struggle they face in such an innovative way, and at the same time a way to encourage and highlight sustainability to be an active member and project for the society.

Green fashion with its moto “green environment- upcycle fashion” stroke as a sustainable idea, with managing the great amount of cut-offs and secondhand pieces with the efforts of our hardworking team and their simple yet talented machines and hands. Our talented team is mainly based on the women fighters from these slums who refused to give up to theirs hard circumstances between unemployment, violence and marginalization. Now after all they’re able to create original fashionable pieces that are ready to compete in the market. With an amazing cause to promote for their case besides helping and saving their environment.

We created a professional team of fashion designers, and now our line started with pieces that are 70-90% made of cut-offs, we trained number of women from villages near Sadat city, and our products made huge success in some of our local and international fashion exhibitions. Now we have our social media pages and other communication channels to help us grow our project in a bigger scale after our products proved their success

 Our consumers are interested in our products because

– We have original designs and products that would make them feel unique.

– Our products are environmentally friendly and are helping with the sustainability cause.

-Our products support huge part of our community which is marginalized and disadvantaged women, and at the same time it advertises the concept of green economy which means that economic development can go hand in hand with keeping our environment safe .

-Soft and cotton materials are suitable for the customer’s requirements
-Unique and trendy designs

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