WeCare -Eco Solutions


ArtyScience Co. was established in 2011 providing environmental educational services in Egypt. The company started launching its own ecofriendly production line of innovative and creative products that has a green positive impact on the environment.


We aim to create behavior change in the Egyptian community and direct their attention towards using less plastic in their daily lives by making ecofriendly products more attractive, practical and accessible.


Create innovative environmental friendly sustainable products that are multi-purpose, recyclable, biodegradable and are of high quality to replace harmful single use plastic.

WeCare Eco Products

WeCare Ecofriendly Solutions is the first Egyptian product that offers alternatives to single use plastic in the Egyptian supermarkets, targeting customers. Our products include paper bags, reusable shopping bags, wooden cutlery, biodegradable straws, and other innovative solutions to plastic.

WeCare Eco team provides consultation for various businesses on how to take green steps to minimize their environmental impact and make sustainable choices.

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WeCare -Eco Solutions

ArtyScience Co. was established in 2011 providing environmental educational services in Egypt. The company started launching its own ecofriendly production line of

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