Shamsina designs, manufactures and delivers affordable, locally-made solar water heaters for all Egyptians, from energy poor communities to energy-conscious consumers. Our local production process helps revive industry and strengthens local know-how. Through a cross-subsidy model, Shamsina makes reliable solar water heaters widely accessible, reaching every corner of the country and especially those who struggle most. Shamsina’s grid-free model transforms the way we secure energy by decentralizing access and freeing users from monthly bills. Every step of our process is eco-friendly and socially-centered.

Shamsina designs, manufactures and delivers affordable, locally-made solar water heaters for all Egyptians, from energy poor communities to energy-conscious consumers. Our local production process helps revive industry and strengthens local know-how. Through a cross-subsidy model, Shamsina makes reliable solar water heaters widely accessible, reaching every corner of the country and especially those who struggle most. Shamsina’s grid-free model transforms the way we secure energy by decentralizing access and freeing users from monthly bills. Every step of our process is eco-friendly and socially-centered.
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